Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer and it's key importance in life

Matthew 7:7-8

In this text, Jesus is giving us instructions regarding prayer. He also makes a promise to us. His promise is that if you ask it will be given unto you, if you seek you shall find and if you knock the door will be opened unto you. The Lord has given us instruction and we have a will, which is to be obedient and follow the instructions He has given us. And when you are obedient God says in verse 8 that EVERYONE that asks will receive, EVERYONE that seeks shall find and EVERYONE that knocks a door( of opportunity) will be opened for them. This is one of the many promises that is in the bible, but it guides us as we pray to not be afraid to ask, seek or knock, when we want God to do something for us. We just need to hold up our end of the deal and be obedient and hear him out that way He will continue to bless exceedingly and abundantly beyond our expectations.

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