Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Will you worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH?

Messenger: Rev. Roderick D. Dawson

Scripture: John 4: 23-24

Topic: True Worship

Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Houston, TX

1. You need the spirit.

-You must be born again. John 3

-You must be filled with the spirit. Acts 2

-We can worship in spirit.

2. You need the truth.

-Truth through God in Jesus. Jesus is the truth. John 14:6

-God created us to worship.
-An individual's worship through Christ is not limited.
-You can worship anywhere.

-God is looking for people to worship Him.

Are you satisfied with Jesus?

Messenger: Rev. Roderick D. Dawson

Scripture: Philippians 4: 11-13

Topic: "Satisfied with Jesus"

Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Houston, TX

Our true sufficiency comes from Jesus.

1. Learn to be happy with less.

-The state of unnoticed blessings is that we do not notice the blessing right in front of us in America. We are truly the most unhappy people.
-God has blessed us without our permission

2. Remind yourself things could be worse.

-There are people that wish they can be where you are.
-We make unfair comparisons to others.

3. Understand that what we are receiving from God is spiritual not material.

-Some people can not handle abundance and prosperity.
-God will not send a blessing to you unless he can send a blessing through you.