Thursday, July 16, 2009

Musings of Frustrated Christians (SINGLES)!

Notes from:

Rev. Michael W. Waters and Atty. Yulise R. Waters
Joy Tabernacle A.M.E. Church
Dallas, TX

Where are we in this cycle of frustration?


To induce feeling of discouragement in:

1. I want a Christian marriage

----> Ideal of what we hope for.

----> When we begin we consider: getting in a faithful marriage, Christian hope in marriage.

2. I have been hurt or disappointed in my relationships.

----> Objectification can happen in 3 ways: Money, Access, Sex.

3. I am questioning the reality of what I once beleived in.

4. I give up.

----> Communication is key!

----> Committed non-committals---> doing everything to not commit to marriage.

Where are you at in the Cycle of Frustration to Hope.


1. I am being healed of my wounds!

-----> we need to be restored.

2. My beliefs in Christian Marriage are being restored.

-----> Sometimes it has to be gained through your intimacy w/God.

3. I have hope in Christian Marriage, again!

4. I want a Christian marriage!

-----> not settling for anything less.

Can I get a witness?

I will contine with Job later but for now...

I am posting my notes for the Opening A.M.E. Convocation on yesterday July 16th, 2009. This was an amazing service preached by Rev. Dr. Marcus Cosby of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church.

Can I get a witness?
Acts 4:18-20

¤ When a preacher asks the question can I get a witness, something should to be heard.

¤ The church is suffering from secret service saints.

¤ Everybody will not be thrilled about your witnessing.

¤ Witnesses are often in danger.
---> We need some:

¤ Ignited witnesses(Peter)

---> Holy Ghost filled --> when fire gets hold of you. Psalm 118:22

¤ Irrefutible witnesses

---> show up and speak up on their behalf of their God.
---> They have been with Jesus.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Why do bad things happen to good people?

According to the Bible, Job is described as an honest and innocent man, who honored God and stayed away from evil. However, he ends up suffering and going through a hard season in his life.

-->Why did this happen to Job?

I believe, Satan does not like to see people doing well and will do anything to bring out the worst in that person. Moreover, in the beginning of this story, Job chapters 1-3, Satan is trying to give God every reason to believe that Job will curse Him to his face.
I am amazed that while Job was suffering, his friends were bringing him down by saying that he must of done something to make God mad. I believe that his friends only liked him because he was wealthy. His friends did not understand his situation and Job knew that he did nothing wrong. I believe ultimately that God wanted to show Satan what a good servant Job was.

To be continued...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rev. Dawson's Sermon notes

Scripture: Isiah 40:31

Topic: "Wait on the Lord"

God binding us together from a thread to a rope.

He promises us strength

Kava-->the making of a rope;to wait on the Lord;binding together.

3 things the Lord will give us for waiting:

1.Provide inward strength(rejuvination)

--> The heart is the think tank.

-->Your heart must line up with the will of God.

2.Provide upward strength(elevation)

-->Stop flapping and learn how to SOAR

-->Fly with the storm and not against it and praise above it.

3.He gives us ACCELERATION to help us LAST throughout the DURATION