Thursday, May 29, 2008

He is an awesome God and He is worthy to be praised

Psalm 1: 1-3

According to Psalm 1:1-3 actions and decisions that must be made by a man who desires to grow spiritually is not walking in the counsel of the wicked meaning he should not let evil take control of him or what he believes in. Rather a man after God's own heart should delight in the word of God and meditate on it day and night. He is patient and waits for his season to come and when it does he prospers.

Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Spiritual health in verse 7 is based on having faith and trusting that God has the power to overcome any and everything that may be going on in your life. Let go and Let God! The person's condition in verse 8 is described as not being afraid because when you have trust in God you know that He will take care of you and that you will be alright.

These two passages that talk about spiritual health teaching us that if we stop worrying and let God have His way in our lives we will be alright and He will take care of our every need. But we must keep in mind that we should rejoice when we read and hear the word and we should also meditate on it day and night because He is an awesome God and He is worthy to be praised!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Samuel Annoints David (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

What is Samuel's mission? Since God had rejected Saul as the king over Israel, God asked Samuel to appoint one of the son's of Jesse of Bethlehem whom God has chosen.

Describe Samuel's response when he saw David's brother, Eliab. He was in awe because he realized that when he arrived, he knew for sure that the Lord's annointed stands before the Lord.

In a few words, what did God say to Samuel? God told Samuel not to be distracted by his appearance or his height, because the Lord has rejected him. God does not look at what man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.

Acts 13:22
Why did God choose David to be king? Because God found David son of Jesse as a man after His own heart and he will do everything I want him to do.

God's message to our heart:

God's message to our heart states that He looks at the heart unlike man which looks at outward appearance. He wants us to be willing to be a man after His own heart and to do everything He wants us to do.

The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-31)

What does this story teach about...

1. The father? Even though his son was lost or a long way off, he still saw him and showed that he still loved and cared about his son, which basically shows that his love was unconditional just like the love Jesus potrayed when he died for our sins.

2. The lost son? It shows that all the wealth got the best of him and he spent it all and under certain terrible weather conditions his situation became one of need.

3. The older brother? He was jealous of the younger brother because the older brother was always obedient and has always be a slave for the father and he felt that he deserved it way more than the younger brother.

4. Admitting your mistakes? Admitting your mistakes relieves you of that guilty conscience that you may have and you also grow and learn from admitting your mistake(s). But not everyone is willing to admit their mistakes because of their fear of what someone may think or the consequence they may have to face. It is a big part of life humans go through but some may be avoided because of the guidance of parents or others that may have went through such mistakes.

5. About forgiveness? Forgiveness should be a part of our physical life as well as our spiritual life because we as humans are not sin free for we have all sinned at one point or another in our lives. But we must realize that it is God's mercy that allows us to recieve another chance. When we do our part which is confessing the sin and completly turning away from the sin, God will do his part by granting us his mercy and forgiveness that we may learn from the sin so we will not commit the same sin repeatedly.

What is God's message to our heart? As 2 Timothy 2:15 states, "Present yourself to God as one...who correctly handles the word of truth." God wants us to be truthful and admit our mistakes so we learn from it and we do not repeatedly commit the same mistakes over and over.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What is Your Heart's Desire?

I have started a new christian enrichment book called A Young Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George. I really like this author because he takes you on a journey and he is really open about his life. I have read his book titled A Man of Influence and I am almost half way done with his book titled A Man After God's Own Heart which is for my christian enrichment class. It starts off with understanding, what is your heart's desire?

My heart's desire is to be more like a that of a man of after God's own heart. Changes I can make for my life start with living more by God's grace and repenting for my sins and also making a 180 degree turn away from them. My actions show that I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior and I am trying to live my life by looking to God and His grace for my guidance and strength. I know it is time for me to turn my life into an extreme adventure of following Jesus Christ and to do that I must understand what God looks for when he looks at my life, learn more about being a Christian and have an even stronger desire to have a heart of a man after God's own heart.