Sunday, May 25, 2008

What is Your Heart's Desire?

I have started a new christian enrichment book called A Young Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George. I really like this author because he takes you on a journey and he is really open about his life. I have read his book titled A Man of Influence and I am almost half way done with his book titled A Man After God's Own Heart which is for my christian enrichment class. It starts off with understanding, what is your heart's desire?

My heart's desire is to be more like a that of a man of after God's own heart. Changes I can make for my life start with living more by God's grace and repenting for my sins and also making a 180 degree turn away from them. My actions show that I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior and I am trying to live my life by looking to God and His grace for my guidance and strength. I know it is time for me to turn my life into an extreme adventure of following Jesus Christ and to do that I must understand what God looks for when he looks at my life, learn more about being a Christian and have an even stronger desire to have a heart of a man after God's own heart.

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