Thursday, July 16, 2009

Musings of Frustrated Christians (SINGLES)!

Notes from:

Rev. Michael W. Waters and Atty. Yulise R. Waters
Joy Tabernacle A.M.E. Church
Dallas, TX

Where are we in this cycle of frustration?


To induce feeling of discouragement in:

1. I want a Christian marriage

----> Ideal of what we hope for.

----> When we begin we consider: getting in a faithful marriage, Christian hope in marriage.

2. I have been hurt or disappointed in my relationships.

----> Objectification can happen in 3 ways: Money, Access, Sex.

3. I am questioning the reality of what I once beleived in.

4. I give up.

----> Communication is key!

----> Committed non-committals---> doing everything to not commit to marriage.

Where are you at in the Cycle of Frustration to Hope.


1. I am being healed of my wounds!

-----> we need to be restored.

2. My beliefs in Christian Marriage are being restored.

-----> Sometimes it has to be gained through your intimacy w/God.

3. I have hope in Christian Marriage, again!

4. I want a Christian marriage!

-----> not settling for anything less.

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