Scripture: Matthew 18: 1-35
Topic: "Dealing with Unhealed Wounds"
Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church Houston,TX
- A long time ago priests could not serve if he had a scab, which signifies that you are scarred.
- In the same manner, unresolved issues are related to an unhealed wound.
- A glass of water held in the same posture for a long time is like a grudge with your brother or sister, because you the longer you hold it the heavier or painful it becomes.
Jesus tells us how to handle unhealed wounds:
- Confront the issue head on.
-->"Forgive them for they know not what they do".
- Praise those who mistreat you. (Even your enemies).
--> If you sow a seed of unforgiveness you shall reap a seed of unforgiveness.
- You need to forgive them, move on to another location, and let God fill your emptiness.
2 Things God won't share:
- His Glory
- His right to settle disputes.
- Stop trying to play God. Only God knows how to handle your enemies.
- What's important in life is what happens in you rather than what happens to you.
5 Keys to Forgiveness
- Forgiveness is not a suggestion it is a command.
- Forgiveness has no limit.
-->Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven.
--> As far as the east is from the west Jesus has forgiven us for our sins.
3. Forgiveness sets us free from sin.
4. If forgiveness is granted to me then I need to forgive others no matter how much it hurts.
5. Forgiveness is a will act; It is a continuous process.
Since everybody makes mistakes, everyone needs forgiveness.
Be Blessed everyone and Plant Your Garden, so when your enemy tries to attack you, you will have the disipline to yield in your actions and allow God to handle your situation.
Will you plant your garden?