Have you ever opened a fortune cookie and really read the message from your heart?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
An Act of Creation
Have you ever opened a fortune cookie and really read the message from your heart?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Renewal of the Mind
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Called to be a light in dark places
Looking at Matthew 5, Jesus is preaching His sermon on a mountain in front of a multitude of people and His disciples. He is teaching them the Beatitudes and in verses 13-16, how to be the salt of the earth and a light in a world full of darkness. When I think of being the salt of the earth, I think about what salt is used for and our purpose while on this earth. Salt adds flavor and preserves food. In the same way, we are called to be that seasoning/flavor in this world filled with corruption, perversion, and distraction. For example, have you ever walked into a room and noticed the negative attitude of some people or drove on a highway and seen drivers filled with rage? This negative attitude and rage promotes an aroma filled with stinch and causes people to draw/flee from them because they make themselves look and act like fools. However, Jesus is calling us to be a light in the midst of the an aroma filled with stinch. When we walk in a room or drive on the highway, people should see Jesus Christ in us and draw near and praise God in heaven. (verse 16) Essentially, we are not to hide the person we are in Christ, but rather have integrity and stand as a Christian who is sold out for Jesus. Therefore, when we step in a room, drive our car, converse with one another, witness to our friends, or pray for one another, we as Christians should shine with a positive 'swagger' (if you will) of praise and worship because God is so worth it and He made us to worship Him.
Monday, July 26, 2010

A lot of times we as Christians may become distracted by what is going in society, causing us to lose our focus. Satan knows how to make something so bad for us seem delightful. For example, after you have worshiped and fellowshipped at your church or participated in personal praise and worship in the convenience of your own household, the devil tries to attack an area that he knows you are weak in. The devil uses people to make you feel bad, by talking about, for example, the type of job may you have, sinful thoughts, and other materialistic things you don't have. However, the Apostle Paul encourages us by stating in 1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." This the verse is calling us as children of the only true and living God, to stay focused, not conform to the ways and wickedness of the world, and to dwell in the will of the Lord our God. No matter what people may think about you. We are called to be God fearing and not people pleasers.
Moreover, the Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." This scripture holds us as Christians to a higher standard, because being a Christian is a lifestyle and not a Sabbath day show. We are to be a light, rightly dividing the word of truth, in dark places. Jesus is coming back, and because He gave His life so that the church can take on holiness and be blameless, He expects us to dwell in holiness and present ourselves as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish. Ephesians 2:27 For instance, you cannot expect to do your best by studying for a test the night before. You must prepare yourself daily by reviewing the material a head of time. The same is with heaven, because we do not know when Christ is coming back, we should be prepared and study to show ourselves approved unto Him, because Jesus is so worthy, we owe Him our all and all, and He is the ONLY way to heaven.
How is your personal walk with Christ? Are there areas that you struggle with? Have a prayer request?
Feel free to drop a comment.
Be Blessed!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Blessed to Be A Blessing to Others
God continues to use me each and every day. I am highly excited about the work He has done through and in me to be a blessing others. My days seem that much better even in the midst of the enemy's temptations and attacks. I love you God for being everything to me, and anointing and entrusting me with the ability to minister to others through music. Every time I sound my trumpet or sing a song in praise and worship, I think about Your name getting all the glory and all the honor it truly deserves.
While reading Matthew 25: 34-40, I couldn't help but think of the anointing God has place in me. God blesses us to be a blessing to others. For when we bless others, we do this unto Christ Jesus! Oh Jesus, Precious Jesus!!! Next time you see someone that has a need, and you can meet that need, please do so, because you are doing it for Christ! When we know who we are working for, the work is that much more important, and it holds a certain priority in our lives. God showed love for us by sending His one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Essentially, what to really take from that is how deep that love was, because in Roman 5:8, the Apostle Paul states that, "But God commandeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". So as we see someone in need, and you can meet that need, no matter if you know them or not, treat them like you want to be treated, and more importantly, how you would treat, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Be Blessed!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Put on the whole armor of God Ephesians 3:11-17
This past week at Vacation Bible School, I participated in teaching and facilitating the teen males group about "Putting on the full armor of God"(Ephesians 6:11-17). It was really refreshing to my spirit to see young men ask and desire to learn about how our sin has separated us from God's love and plan for our lives (Romans 3:23), and how Jesus died on the old rugged cross to die for every sin we ever committed, while we were still wrapped up in sin(Romans 5:8). The big picture of what they learned was that Satan is the Great Deceiver and he makes sin look so splendorous. However, if we put on the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, shoes of the Gospel of Peace, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit (essentially the whole armor of God), we can stand against the schemes of the devil(Ephesians 6:11).
I love when the Lord uses me to do His work and His will for His kingdom. I feel so anointed each an everyday because I know whose I am and who I am working for. All the Glory belongs to our Father God in Heaven! I pray that God blesses my brothers and sisters in Christ above and beyond what they can ask or think. In Jesus name!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Eternal Thoughts

God continues to amaze me each and every day. I am so proud of my cousin. He is so focused and knows that he is living his life for Jesus Christ. God's timing is so perfect! I have not talked to him in a while, but I thank God for reuniting me with my cousin on facebook. He is planning on becoming an architectural designer. Lord God, may you direct his paths in your precious Son, Jesus name.
This economy today throws so many curve balls and rainy days at you, but we as Christians are called to be steadfast and unmovable when doing God's will. I am so amazed that God can chose ANYONE to carry out His will (Acts 9), and how the Bible answers any questions that we, God's children, may ask. Going down the straight path (Matthew 7: 13-14) may be tough, but there is an eternal reward waiting for us in the end. Just when we are about to throw in the towel, He comes in and sends a major blessing above and beyond what we may ask or think.
We are in a period of God's grace. As the poet Prophet states in his poem, A Time for Change, "Some of you don't study for a test until the very last day, and trying to reach heaven the exact same way". What a strong statement so profound and relevant for today. I pray that we as God's children can stand up and have integrity in our work places, discretionary time with friends and family, and at church. It's it time to pick up the cross and live the life we are required to live in Christ Jesus. I pray that we as Christians get on one accord, and allow Christ to be the center of our lives. "For if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things things are passed away; behold, all things become new"(2 Corinthians 5:17).
As you reflect on the price Jesus Christ paid for us on the cross to have a more abundant life, what thoughts, feelings, or emotions do you have?
Be Blessed!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Salvation God's Sacrifice and Substitution
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
"Let's Go To Church"
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Will you worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH?
Scripture: John 4: 23-24
Topic: True Worship
Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Houston, TX
1. You need the spirit.
-You must be born again. John 3
-You must be filled with the spirit. Acts 2
-We can worship in spirit.
2. You need the truth.
-Truth through God in Jesus. Jesus is the truth. John 14:6
-God created us to worship.
-An individual's worship through Christ is not limited.
-You can worship anywhere.
-God is looking for people to worship Him.
Are you satisfied with Jesus?
Scripture: Philippians 4: 11-13
Topic: "Satisfied with Jesus"
Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Houston, TX
Our true sufficiency comes from Jesus.
1. Learn to be happy with less.
-The state of unnoticed blessings is that we do not notice the blessing right in front of us in America. We are truly the most unhappy people.
-God has blessed us without our permission
2. Remind yourself things could be worse.
-There are people that wish they can be where you are.
-We make unfair comparisons to others.
3. Understand that what we are receiving from God is spiritual not material.
-Some people can not handle abundance and prosperity.
-God will not send a blessing to you unless he can send a blessing through you.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dealing with Unhealed Wounds
Scripture: Matthew 18: 1-35
Topic: "Dealing with Unhealed Wounds"
Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church Houston,TX
- A long time ago priests could not serve if he had a scab, which signifies that you are scarred.
- In the same manner, unresolved issues are related to an unhealed wound.
- A glass of water held in the same posture for a long time is like a grudge with your brother or sister, because you the longer you hold it the heavier or painful it becomes.
Jesus tells us how to handle unhealed wounds:
- Confront the issue head on.
-->"Forgive them for they know not what they do".
- Praise those who mistreat you. (Even your enemies).
--> If you sow a seed of unforgiveness you shall reap a seed of unforgiveness.
- You need to forgive them, move on to another location, and let God fill your emptiness.
2 Things God won't share:
- His Glory
- His right to settle disputes.
- Stop trying to play God. Only God knows how to handle your enemies.
- What's important in life is what happens in you rather than what happens to you.
5 Keys to Forgiveness
- Forgiveness is not a suggestion it is a command.
- Forgiveness has no limit.
-->Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven.
--> As far as the east is from the west Jesus has forgiven us for our sins.
3. Forgiveness sets us free from sin.
4. If forgiveness is granted to me then I need to forgive others no matter how much it hurts.
5. Forgiveness is a will act; It is a continuous process.
Since everybody makes mistakes, everyone needs forgiveness.
Be Blessed everyone and Plant Your Garden, so when your enemy tries to attack you, you will have the disipline to yield in your actions and allow God to handle your situation.
Will you plant your garden?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Spiritual Blacksmiths needed
Scripture: 1 Samuel 13: 19a
Topic: "Spiritual Blacksmiths needed"
Location: St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Houston, TX
God worked through my pastor to present a spirit-filled sermon that reflects on Black History.
- Spiritual Blacksmiths know how to shape and sharpen something raw (material) into kingdom material.
- A Spiritual Blacksmith knows how to handle God's Word (also known as the Blacksmith's hammer)
- Sometimes God has to subtract the number of people in your life so you can depend on Him.
- What a Spiritual Blacksmith will tell you:
--> 1. Believe in you and do you.
--> 2. Believe in God.
Spiritual Blacksmiths define the role of a true friend, because they will tell it like it is whether you want to hear it or not.
Back in the day Men used to be hardworking and the Women would be the pretty ones. However, in the present time, Women have taken on the hardworking role and Men have gravitated towards the pretty image.
Where are all the Spiritual Blacksmiths?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Take the Limit off God
"Take the Limit off God"
Nathan Williams
General Manager DayStar TV
Ephesians 3:20-21
The problem with people is that we learn with limitations.
We have all learned tradition that puts the Word of God in non-effect.
Religion--> man seeking after God.
Christianity--> is a relationship with Christ.
There are limitations with religion.
God can do nothing if we limit Him. You have the power to limit God.
Ask and pray to God to ask him where you have been limited.
You have to learn to turn a deaf ear to the haters.
Our lives are hid in Christ. When you come to Christ you will get something that is always bigger than you.
Everything that concerns you concerns God.
Religion has messed up a lot of people.
We need the mind of Christ.
An old wine skin can not hold new wine.
Ask God to show you things you can do. Sometimes God will come to you and show you something so simple.
God tells us how to think.
Philippians 4: 8-9
Truth is the Word of God.
There is life and death in the power of the tongue.
I can curse you or I can encourage you by speaking good words.
Take the limits off of God.
Proverbs 23:7
Your heart is the thinking part of the Spirit.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
Its not so devistating about what someone else thinks about you but what you think about yourself.
God can't take you in a place if you have limited thinking.
You allow you worst experience to become reality.
Jonah 2:8
-If you believe a lie the mercy of God is not valid.
-The closer I get to God the more He corrects me.
-We are special to the Lord.
-Those that follow the spirity of God are Sons/Daughters of God.
Get out of the box because God wants to give you His way.
The truth doesn't change the method changes.
Matthew 15:3
-You have people practicing tradition like their honoring God.
-Some people don't go to church because of bad experiences with religion.
-God wants us to be free.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Communication Excellence Without Excuse
Wash A. Jones, Ph.D.
Leadership Institute
St. Paul A.M.E. Church
January 9, 2010
*Work and commitment
Take Responsibility
-Genesis 3:12 (first excuse in the Bible)
-Don't make excuses for you actions
-we don't let others weaknesses drive our decision.
-make choices according to your purpose
-always check yourself, do not depend on others to correct you
-when we blame others
-Whatever your responsibility is here you are accountable.
Educate yourself
2 Timothy 2:15 (Study)
2 Timothy 4:13 (Reading)
-Before you start to talk, educate yourself
-Read! Invest in a dictionary.
-Travel to other ministries and educate yourself.
-Don't limit yourself
Consider your audience-->and work with them
Matthew 10:16
Galatians 5:19-21
-If you are teaching, break it down to them.
Diagnose before your prescribe
Revelation 2:29 (Hear)
1 Corinthians 14:20 (Mature)
James 1:19 (Swift to hear)
-We have to listen 2 times as much as you talk.
-Listen with the attend to understand not respond.
Five Level of Listening
1. Ignoring
-making no effort to listen at all.
2. Pretend to Listen
-make believe or give the appearance to listen.
3. Selective Listening
-hear only the part that interest me.
4. Attentive Listening
-Paying attention and comparing what was said to what we experienced
5. Emphatic Listening
-Listen with your heart and mind to understand the speakers words, intent, and feelings.
-We typically speak at 100-175 words per minute
-We understand intelligently 600-800 words per minute
-For example, the disclaimer statements on advertisements
Think on your feet
1 Peter 5:8
1 Timothy 6:20
Ephesians 6:10-18
-Things to help you Boost your brain power
Breathe deep/meditate, video games, sit up straight, use dead time, learn a language, write, listen to Mozart, exercise, imaginary friends, learn more efficiently, take notes from the start and leave with a question or 2 in mind, use techniques for clear thinking, talk-->try explaining things you don't understand well, do something you enjoy, eat fish, laugh, do puzzles, sing, fiber, develop your creativity, avoid too much fat, eat potential brain foods, and avoid unnecessary arguments.
Use pictures [BE a picture]
Ephesians 4:1 (rather SEE a sermon than HEAR one)
1 Corinthians 16:2
Malachi 3:8
Bridle the tongue
James 3
Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence
My circle of Concern (things you care about)
-The salvation of people around the world
-Healthcare of the world
-World peace
My circle of Influence (things you can change)
-Training young men to be disciples for Jesus
-Sharing my faith with others
-Playing music with my trumpet and the piano
-Doing what God called me to do
What is your Circle of Concern? What is you Circle of Influence?