Saturday, June 21, 2008

More on prayer

Mark 1:35

In this particular verse of the first chapter of Mark, we learn about the praying habits of Jesus. We learn that He woke up while it was still dark and no one was up and he went to a solitary place where He could meditate on the word alone and not be distracted. We can also apply this habit of prayer in our own lives and wake up before the rest of the world and and go to a solitary place where we can have a one on one conversation with God without any distractions, so that we may focus on Him.

Philippians 4:6-7

This scripture basically says that if we have faith in God and we pray and have supplication with thanksgiving in our hearts, then the peace of God will give us understanding and will keep our hearts and minds through Jesus. This is such a powerful scripture because it shows that there is no problem, situation or circumstance that the all mighty God can not handle. It also shows that when we pray for our problems and our situation, God hears us and understands, so He will keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus so that He can help us through our situation or our circumstance no matter how big it is.

James 5:16-18

The effect of the prayer of a righteous man, according to verse 16 is that we CONFESS our faults to one another so that we may be healed and so the righteous man can avail much. Elijah and his prayer life is mentioned to show him as a man who prayed EARNESTLY so God answered his prayer for it not to rain for 3 years and 6 months and when he prayed again, it rained and the earth brought forth fruit. God is truly amazing, powerful and mighty and he works in wonderous ways. In essence, we should be earnest prayers like Elijah and then we may EARN our blessing that we have been waiting for.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer and it's key importance in life

Matthew 7:7-8

In this text, Jesus is giving us instructions regarding prayer. He also makes a promise to us. His promise is that if you ask it will be given unto you, if you seek you shall find and if you knock the door will be opened unto you. The Lord has given us instruction and we have a will, which is to be obedient and follow the instructions He has given us. And when you are obedient God says in verse 8 that EVERYONE that asks will receive, EVERYONE that seeks shall find and EVERYONE that knocks a door( of opportunity) will be opened for them. This is one of the many promises that is in the bible, but it guides us as we pray to not be afraid to ask, seek or knock, when we want God to do something for us. We just need to hold up our end of the deal and be obedient and hear him out that way He will continue to bless exceedingly and abundantly beyond our expectations.

Are you a "milk drinker" or a "beef eater"?

After reading Hebrews 5:12-14, I describe my level of spiritual maturity as good because I know how to discern between good and evil. I consider myself to be a beef eater, because I understand the difference between good and evil. Babies can only drink milk because they can not eat whole foods, just as a milk drinker can not tell the difference between what is good and what is evil. Now if I had to rank my level of spiritual maturity on a 1(low) to 10(high) scale, I would give myself an 8 because I know I am still growing spiritually but there is still much more I have to experience and learn in the spirit. I notice a change and the difference when I am put in situations which have me to use my conscience to help decide whether the situation is good or bad. An easy way to tell if something is evil is this: "If it is something that you would not do in front of your parents, assuming that they are beef eaters, then it is probably something that will lead you down a path of sin."